Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 8: Excursion to Antwerp

Belgium's second largest city is beautiful and basically untouched by WWII bombings.  We visited  a museum at one of the first printing companies in the world.  They published, and we photographed, the  Gutenberg  Bible, which is the first Bible ever published.  There are only 7 of These Bibles left in the in the Vatican, one in the Library of Congress and I am unsure where the other 4 are located.

Lots of art in Antwerp.  Rubens is a wonderful Dutch painter with tons of paintings in his hometown of Antwerp. We took lots of photos of his paintings.  They tell you that you are allowed to take as many photos as you want...only no flashes allowed.  (I would turn off my flash but after a while it would automatically reset itself to flash...I am sure they thought I was the typical "Ugly American", who would not follow the rules.)
Town Hall in Antwerp.

Guttenburg Bible.

Rubens, "Doubting Thomas"

Ann, Lunch on Antwerp Square.

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